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Preparing for 3rd Level: Welcome

Information and Digital Literacy for 2nd level students preparing to enter 3rd level

Introduction and guide to attaining the Digital Badge

Use this guide to navigate towards becoming information literate. At the end of this eLearning experience you will have the opportunity to achieve a digital badge or Micro Credential that demonstrates your accomplishment.


How to use this guide for teachers

DkIT Library has been involved for a number of years in outreach programmes to 2nd level schools.

This Digital Badge is an attempt to broaden the scope and reach of our Information Literacy programme to as many schools as would like to participate in the programme. 

It also provides evidence for the student of participation in an Information Literacy programme for their CV of academic achievement from a recognised 3rd level Institution.

The course of study is maximum 20 hours and requires that teachers administer the content to the student or classes at their own discretion. 

Having completed the programme each student will be required to individually login to the Digital Badge and you as the teacher will be asked to verify that they have completed the stages of the programme successfully before they are awarded the Digital Badge.


If you wish your class to participate in this course, please contact DkIT Library at:

Phone: +353 (0)429370310


How to Use this guide for students

As 2nd level students preparing for the transition to 3rd level this Digital badge affords you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with one of the most important aspects of becoming a 3rd level scholar; Information Literacy.

Information Literacy is being able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. (IFLA)

"Information skills are vital to the success of lifelong learning, employment, and daily interpersonal communication of any citizen, such as when a person needs information about health services for someone in his/her care, or a student requires specific information to complete an assessment."

This badge helps you as a student to transition to 3rd level and fulfill one of the goal of making you an independent learner.

This digital badge or micro credential is evidence and an acknowledgement from a 3rd level institution of your work towards this.

  • You should go through all the steps in the order in which they are laid out and engage with the content in each tab, reading the content descriptor, watching the recommended short videos and engaging in any of the suggested activities.
  • Each of the steps or tabs should take you no longer that 4 hours.
  • Then having completed the step you can move on to the next step or stage.
  • Once you completed the 5 steps you will be eligible for the Digital badge which DkIT will award you so you can display your achievement on an e-portfolio, personal website or Facebook page etc. as evidence for your future.

- It is important that you complete each step in sequence as the stages build on each other from beginning to last in the same way as you would naturally work towards getting information and using it properly within assignments.


Good Luck and enjoy your journey!

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Preparing for 3rd level