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Business at DkIT: Reports / Company Information

Business Libguide

Company Information

Business Source Complete:

(hosts industry profiles, SWOT analyses and market research reports.)

Irish Times Top 1000: profiles, contact details and summary of financials for Ireland's top companies by turnover. Info on the list's methodology.


Country / Regional

CSO  Central Statistic OfficeGovernment body responsible for compiling Irish official statistics. Provides data and information on methodology.

Business Source CompleteIncludes access to selected content from Datamonitor and MarketWatch and other sources. To access company reports, click on More > Company Profiles the top of the home page. To access market, industry and country reports, run your search and use the Source Types filter option on the left of the search results screen to filter your search by publication type.

Regional Business News (Epnet)
Business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Walk-in access available.

World Development Indicators: over 600 development indicators and time series data for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data include social, economic, financial, natural resources and environmental indicators.See also: World Bank eAltas of World Development - interactive maps of more than 175 World Bank indicators.

CIA World Factbook: information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.



Write a case study

Relating theory to a practical situation:

A good case study identifies a "real world" situation or company and analyses any issues that need to be addressed.

Case study guide


Financial and Legal

Business Source Complete
Business related database. Click here for a tutorial.

Irish Times and Irish Times Digital Archive

Contains the Irish Times from 1859 onwards. Editions are added seven days after publication date. Limited to 10 simultaneous users


Irish Business Sector Reports



Business in Ireland

"...a consolidated annual report on Business in Ireland that aims to provide an overview of the Structural Business Statistics currently produced by the Central Statistics Office (CSO)"


AIB Business Sector Reports 

Outlook is a series of AIB reports that examines and analyses the key issues affecting Variour sectors of the Irish Economy