IHS provides standards, building regulations and technical guidance documents for construction.
Main menu
Click on Engineering Workbench with UK & Irish Products and then click the dropdown arrow at Codes and Standards to access :
Occupational Health and Safety - health and safety documentation relevant to the workplace e.g. safety training, first aid, manual handling, electrical safety and dangerous substances.
Irish Occupational Health and Safety - as above but with an Irish focus.
Environmental Management - legislation and guidance document from over 100 issuing bodies.
Specify-It - product and supplier information for the construction industry.
From the dropdown menu select the section you want to search and then enter keywords in the search box, click on the magnifying glass to run the search.
From the results screen click on the name of the document to open the full text or use the filter options on the left hand side of the screen to narrow your search results. Click on the box across from the headings to filter by that option.
On the results screen click on Relevance to sort by different option e.g. newest/oldest publication date.
To save a query and set an alert click on Save Query/Set Alert. Enter a description, save with facet filters applied if desired and set the time interval for alerts for your search query.
To log out or return to the main menu click on your name at the top of the screen.
From the main menu -
Click on Irish Construction Information Service Plus to access industry related standards, building regulations, technical guidance and industry reports.
Click on All and from the dropdown menu chose a category to search within or leave at All to search all categories. Enter your search term in the search box and click on the magnifying glass to run the search.
Click on Download to open the full text of the document.
Filter results by clicking on the funnel icon. Click on the dropdown options under each heading to chose a filter and click on Apply.
Side menu in CIS
Documents in CIS are categorised by Series, Publisher and Subject to help you find just what you're looking for click on Browse to select the category you want to browse.
Click on Interests to access documents within CIS that have been organised into key areas of interest. Under View All Interests you can pin the various areas of interest to the side menu bar.
Under Projects select Add Folder to create project folders to save and store your favourite CIS documents.
Use Manage content alerts to view and manage your content alert preferences for CIS including notification of any incoming changes of document availability and content alerts for projects and interests.
Saved searches allows you to Manage, edit and delete your saved searches. To save a search click on the disc icon above the results display.
Top menu in CIS
Along the top of the CIS screen there are dropdown menus, click on the name of each menu to open it.
Announcements - click here to keep up to date with the latest announcements.
Technical resources - access Architect's Journal, SCI Blue Book and more.
Browse documents - access documents by Subject A-Z, Publisher A-Z and Series A-Z.
Articles and news - view articles and news from AJ Feed and NBS Articles.
Quick links - links to Eurocodes, RIAI contracts handbook, DEHLG Building regulations technical documents and RIAI architecture Ireland articles.
Your Initials - click on the dropdown arrow at your initials to see information on subscribed content, access guided tours, preferences, project folders and saved searches.
Why should I use an individual database instead of doing all my searches in MultiSearch ?
MultiSearch is great for finding out the range of sources we have available on any given topic but once you start to research a topic in more depth you will want more flexibility to save your results and keep up to date with new publications.
Most databases allow you to save searches and set up saved search alerts that send you any new items that matches your search. This is one of the advantages of using the database directly rather than always using MultiSearch.
The Architects Journal provides the latest news and best practice from the Architecture industry in Britain which can be accessed online through the library though it's a bit different than accessing most of our resources which is laid out below.
DkIT staff and students must register with AJ, using their institution email address, to use the campus-wide subscription. The first step is to add your institution email address before filling in the registration form. If asked for a postal address, you may prefer to use DkIT's. If you have problems registering, please email us at library@dkit.ie. Please access it through link: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/subs-offers/dundalk
A library database is simply an online collection of information, such as:
Sometimes only the abstract of a journal article will be available in a database but often you will be able to read the full text of the article too.
A journal is similar to a magazine. Issues are available at regular intervals, such as every month. Often, journals are 'peer-reviewed' or 'scholarly'.
Journals contain pieces of writing or research called journal articles.
This website summarises the difference between scholarly journals and popular magazines.
The easiest way to find a journal article is by searching MultiSearch. Log in with your full name and student number to access it.
Another option is to search an individual database. Click here to see all of our databases.
Some Engineering databass are not searchable through MultiSearch, so you will need to log in to this separately.