Mendeley lets you choose from various referencing styles. We recommend you use the 'Harvard - Dundalk Institute of Technology' style.
This needs to be installed in Mendeley Desktop before you can use it in Microsoft Word. Instructions are in the PDF below.
For quick citations in most text editors, including Google Docs, select the paper you want to cite in Mendeley Desktop and click: Edit > Copy Citation. Then, paste it into the document you are composing.
Alternatively, you can drag and drop the paper from the Mendeley Desktop window to the document, and a reference in the current selected citation style will be added there.
Once you have your documents in Mendeley, you can cite and reference them within Word and OpenOffice by installing plug-ins. Once installed, you will have tool bar buttons that will allow you to cite a document, generate a bibliography, or manually edit any entry.
Go to Tools > Install... and select the plugin you wish to add.