Remember, to log in with your DkIT network username and password to ensure you are getting access to our full-text resources. If you don't see either the DkIT logo or the words Access provided by DkIT or Access provided by your institution you are not logged in to access full text. Never share your login details.
You can access individual databases through our Databases page on the DkIT website or click on the database name in the descriptions below.
You can also search across many of our databases simultaneously in MultiSearch. Click on Hello Guest. Login for full access to log in with your DkIT network username and password.
All databases are for academic, educational use only for the purposes of your studies. They may not be used for commercial purposes.
Kanopy is an online streaming service which provides access to documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos.
Not searchable via MultiSearch.
When you click on the link to Kanopy to log in the first time you will be brought to a page on Kanopy. Click on the red "Login to DKIT" button on the lower left. This will redirect you to login with your DkIT network username and password and then will take you back to the Kanopy homepage for DkIT.
Once you have logged in initially if you are using the same device you will not be asked to log in again unless you clear your browser cache or unless 3 months have passed since your initial log in. If you use a new device you will be prompted to log in again.
On the homepage scroll down to see a variety of videos under different subjects. Hover your mouse over any title to view details of the video. Click Watch to view a video.
Basic Search
As you type in your search Kanopy will start to display suggestions based on your search, to view any of the results just click on the title to be brought to the homepage for that video. From the homepage you can view details and a description of the video and play the video.
Enter your search term e.g. film title, filmmaker, subject into the search box at the top of the page and click on the magnifying glass to search and see results. On the results screen you will see different options depending on the term you searched by. Result may display under a single tab or be divided into multiple tabs e.g. Videos, Subjects, People, Company etc. Click on the tab heading to view results under each tab. To the left hand side of the screen are options to refine your search further e.g. Subjects, Suppliers, Filmmakers, Features etc. Click on the heading to expand the field and select an option to refine your search by. Your limiter will be displayed on the top left hand side of the screen. Click on the 'x' beside a limiter to remove it.
Hover over mouse over Browse to open a list of subject options e.g. movies, documentaries, the Arts. To the right hand side of each subject is an arrow, click on the arrow to view subheadings within a subject. Click on a heading/subheading to display results for that heading/subheading. The number of results found displays above the results on the right hand side of the screen. Hover the mouse over a title to view a description of the video. Click on Watch to view a video or click on the cover of the video to go to the homepage of the video.
Click on Browse to display a page with links to all subjects and subheadings.
Cambridge Core provides access to peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Searching Cambridge Core
Begin search by entering keywords into the search box, to only see content with full text click on the check box beside Only search content I have access to located beneath the search box.
On the results page click on the article title, PDF or HTML icon to access full text.
Results are sorted by relevance by default, use the drop down arrow beside Sorted by Relevance to sort by title or publication date.
To narrow your search results use the Refine Search options to the left hand side of the screen, select the check box beside the option you want to limit by. Limit by Content Type, Date, Author, Subject, Tags, Journal, Society or Series.
Click on the Export Citation link located beneath the article information to export citation(s) in your chosen reference style. Click on Change citation format to change to your preferred referencing style.
Article metrics can be viewed by clicking the icon to the right hand side of the article information.
Browse by Subject
Click on Browse subjects on the white toolbar or click on Browse by subject beneath the search box on the homepage to display subject categories. Click on a subject heading to see a list of journal titles in this area e.g. Engineering. Click on a journal title e.g. Journal of Fluid Mechanics to see information about the journal and recently published papers. Use the search box at the top of the page to search within the journal title. Click on All Issues tab to see previous issues and years of available content.
Browse by Publication
Click on Publications on the white toolbar, then select Journals to see an A-Z of journal titles available. Click on the dropdown arrow at All titles and select a letter to jump to titles starting with that letter within the A-Z. Click on the dropdown arrow at All subjects to view journal titles by subject, click on a subject to select it.
Personal Account Features
When you are logged in as a member of DkIT you can create a personal account which will allow you to save searches, set up alerts and create bookmarks. Click on Register and fill in the required details to create your account. Once you have created an account click on the blue Log in button to enter your details and access your account.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Search Documents
Enter a search term in the Search documents search box. There are a number of refining features to limit your search, these are optional. Click on the drop down arrow to the left hand side of the search box to select a field in which to search; the default is to search within article title, abstract and keywords. Click on Add search field to add additional search boxes and combine using dropdown arrow at AND to choose from the Boolean operators AND, OR, AND NOT. Click on Add date range to choose date options from Published from, To and Added to Scopus; use the dropdown arrow beside each heading to choose a year or timeframe. To run the search click on Search.
In the results the details of the document are displayed. Click on View abstract to view the abstract for the article. Click on View at Publisher to see details of the document on the publishers website. Click on Related documents to view related documents based on shared references.
You can search within your results by entering a keyword in the Search within results search box and clicking on the magnifying glass.
On the left hand side of the results are options to refine results. Click on the down arrow beside each heading to expand it and then select the check boxes next to your chosen option and click on Limit or Exclude to refine your search results.
Click on the dropdown arrow at Sort on to sort results by a number of options including cited by, first author, source title.
On the toolbar above the result are options to Export, Download, View citation overview, View cited by, Save to list, View references and Create bibliography. To use these options select documents by clicking on the check box to the left of the result details and click on the option of your choice.
On the toolbar above the results Print, Email or save results to PDF by selecting the check box to the left of the results and clicking on the appropriate icon.
Search Authors
Click on the Authors tab to search by author. Search by the author's name or click on the drop down arrow by Author name to search by ORCID ID.
To search by author name enter the last name and first name of the author in the search boxes indicated. Limit results by click on Add affiliation to enter the name of the institution associated with the author. Click on Search.
To search by ORCID enter the ORCID ID number and click on Search (an ORCID is a 16-digit number and is used by editors, funding agencies, publishers, and institutions to reliably identify individuals. Use this to find a specific author).
Search Affiliations
Enter the name of the institution in the search box e.g. Dundalk Institute of Technology and click on the magnifying glass. On the results page limit or exclude by selecting the checkbox beside City or Country/Territory. On the results page click on the title of the institution to see affiliation details e.g. Documents (whole institution), Documents (affiliation only), Authors. Click on the number beneath each heading to go to those results.
Collaboration affiliations ranks the top affiliations which are associated with the selected affiliation. Click on the total next to the affiliation to see all documents which have been collaborated on.
Documents by subject area shows documents associated with an affiliation organized by subject area. It represents accumulated data for grouped affiliations. You can view subject areas in a pie chart and see the subject area, the number of published documents in that subject area, and the percentage of total published documents.
Academic Search Complete provides access to thousands of peer-reviewed journal titles that you won't find freely available on the web.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Subjects covered include -
Advanced Search
Enter your search term in the multiple search boxes and click on the dropdown arrows at AND to choose a Boolean operator AND, OR, NOT to broaden or narrow your search. Click on the dropdown options beside Select a field to further narrow your search by focusing on a particular field in which to run your search e.g. All text, Author, Abstract. Use Search Options below the advanced search box to further limit your results before running your search; to select an option click on the check box beside the option. To run your search click on Search.
Basic Search
Enter your keyword in the search box and click on Search for maximum number of results for your search.
Click on Search History to view and save searches and set up alerts.
Search results are displayed giving the brief details of the document. View the abstract of a document by clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right hand side of the results.
Add a search result to your personal folder by clicking on the blue folder icon. Results added to your folder will display a yellow folder.
Click on Relevance to sort by Date, Author and Source.
Click on Page Options to alter the display of the results page to a format of your choice.
Click on Share to add all results on a page or your search to your personal folder. From here you can also Create an alert for your search terms, complete the details in the pop-up box and click on Save Alert.
Refine Results allows you to limit your search results by Fulltext, References Available, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed Journals), Date, Source Type, Subject, Publication, Publisher, Company, Language Geography and NAICS/Industry. Click on the dropdown arrow by the heading and select the check box beside the option you want to limit by.
To access full text click on the PDF or HTML Full Text icon.
Under the Publications tab you can browse an A-Z of titles or browse publications by subject. To browse by subject enter the subject term in the search box and select By Subject & Description and click on Browse. On the results page the title of the publication and details of access to bibliographic records of the publication and information on years of access to full text will be displayed. Click on the name of the publication to go to the homepage of the publication. From the publication homepage you can view the publication details of the title. To the right of the screen details of All Issues and Articles are displayed. Select a year to view all volumes and issues for that year. Click on an issue link to access details of the articles in that issue.
Under the Subject Terms tab browse to find subject terms that you can use to search the database. Choose to search under Subjects, Places, People.
Project MUSE Premium Collection contains journals in the areas of humanities and social science.
Basic Search
Start your search using the simple search box at the top of the page and enter your search term(s). Use quotations (" ") for a phrase search.
Filter results using the facets on the left side of the page. Use Boolean Operators And, Or and None to add or exclude additional terms, click on the drop-down menu at Content to limit your search by Title, Author or Publisher.
Search results default to All Content, to view only subscribed content select Only content I have access to.
To filter by Content Type select an option from Books, Journals, Articles, Reviews, Issues, Primary Source.
To filter by Publisher, Series, Journal, Author Name, Language, Research Area enter a keyword in the search box below each heading or scroll options to select a keyword.
To limit by Publication Year click on the drop-down option at Any time and select a year range.
View results
Click on the title or PDF Download to view content.
MyMuse Library
From the results page, click on Save to save items to MyMuse Library. To save items beyond the current session in MyMuse Library click on Log In/Sign Up and scroll down to Sign up for a MyMuse account and enter the required details.
To browse journal content click on Browse to left of the search box. Scroll down to Browse Journals and click on View More Journals. Filter results using the facets on the left side of the results screen.
Taylor & Francis Online Journal Collection contain two collections, the Social Sciences and Humanities Collection and the Medical Collection.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Social Sciences and Humanities Collection covers a range of disciplines - Anthropology Archaeology & Heritage, Arts & Humanities, Business Management & Economics, Criminology & Law, Education, Geography, Planning Urban & Environment, Library & Information Science, Media Culture & Communication Studies, Mental Health & Social Care, Politics, International Relations & Area Studies, Psychology, Sociology & Related Disciplines, Sport, Leisure & Tourism, Strategic, Defense & Security Studies.
Medical Collection covers a range of disciplines - Allied & Public Health, Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience, General Medicine & Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science and Toxicology.
Basic Search
Enter keywords into the search box and click on the spyglass to begin your search. In the Search results view results are displayed under Articles, Journals and Databases, click on each tab to view results. Under Filter you can refine your results by Access Type, Article Type, Subject, Journal, Publication Date and Language. Click on the drop down arrow beside each heading and select an option to filter by and click on Apply Filter. Click the X beside the selected filter to remove the filter.
View the full text of an article by clicking on the article title or Full text link located under the article information. To see a brief description of the article content click on the drop down arrow beside Abstract.
In full text article view you can jump to different sections of the article by clicking on the tabs Figures & Data, References. Click on Citations to see where an article has been cited and Metrics to view article-level metrics, including views, citation counts from CrossRef, the Web of Science, and Scopus. To the left hand side of the screen you will see Related research which lists additional articles which may be of interest. Click on Download citation to export a citation file for the article.
Find a Journal
Click on Find a Journal to browse an A-Z of journal titles. The result page lists the journal titles in alphabetical order with a brief description about the title. To the left of the results are options to filter by A-Z, click on a letter to view titles beginning with that letter, or click on the drop down arrow at Subject to select a subject area.
Explore Journals and Articles by Subject
On the Taylor & Francis Online homepage scroll down to begin exploring journals by subject area. Click on a subject heading to be brought to a result page displaying tabs for articles and journals in that subject area.
Advanced Search
Click on Advanced Search located to the right of the main search box to begin. Enter your keywords into the search box. Click on the + beside the search box to add additional fields. Click on the drop down arrow at Anywhere and select an option to choose a search field. Choose a publication date range and click on Search.
Personal Account
Click on Register at the top right of the screen and fill in the required details to create a personal account. The personal account allows you to create content alerts, save searches and schedule alerts to send you results when new matches are found. You can also download your search results and save as a .csv file.
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary database covering archaeology; area studies; classical studies; economics; history; architecture; architectural history; art; art history; film studies; folklore; language and literature; music; performing arts; religion; business; education; law; psychology; public policy and administration; linguistics; political science; arts; humanities; social science.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Search JSTOR
Enter your keyword search in the search box and click on the spyglass to begin your search. From the results screen you can filter your results using the Refine Results options to the left hand side of the screen including content type, publication date and subject. To view the full text of a result click on the title. To the left hand side of the article click on the icons view the article metadata, view images contained in the article and view references. Click on Cite this item to view citation options. Note always check citations against your referencing guide to ensure the are correct. From this screen you can also download the article by selecting Download PDF or save the article to WorkSpace or Share via Twitter, Facebook and Email.
Advanced Search
Use multiple search boxes, keywords and Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT and NEAR to broaden or narrow your search. Use the drop down arrow at All Fields to choose the field you want to search in. Choose the Item Type, Date, Journal or Book Title or Discipline you want to search in and click on Submit Advanced Search to run your search.
Click on the Browse tab to browse by Subject, Title, Collections and Publisher.
Text Analyzer allows you to search for content in JSTOR by uploading a text document e.g. your essay, a picture of a page from a textbook, an article. Text Analyzer will look at the document and recommend articles and chapters in JSTOR on the same topic. See About Text Analyzer for details on the types of files and languages accepted.
For further information on using JSTOR click and Support and Students.
ScienceDirect is a multidisciplinary database and Includes the subject areas below.
Physical Sciences and Engineering - Chemical Engineering; Computer Science; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Energy; Engineering; Materials Science; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy
Life Sciences - Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology; Environmental Science; Immunology and Microbiology; Neuroscience
Health Sciences- Medicine and Dentistry; Nursing and Health Professions; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine
Social Sciences and Humanities - Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Decision Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Psychology; Social Sciences
Searchable via MultiSearch.
In basic search, search by keyword, author name, journal title, volume and issue number and book title. Enter your search term in the appropriate search box and click on the magnifying glass.
Results will display in a list giving brief details about the document. Above the document details it shows what type of document it is e.g. research article, editorial, review article. Where you see a green dot there is access to full text. Beneath the article click on Download PDF to open the document in PDF. Click on the down arrow at Abstract to open a view of the abstract. Click on the down arrow beside Extract to open a view of extracts from the document highlighting the keyword that was searched for. Click on Export to see options for exporting the document information in a variety of formats.
To download multiple documents simultaneously select the checkbox to the left hand side of the document and click on Download selected articles.
To export multiple documents simultaneously select the checkbox to the left hand side of the document and click on Export, from the pop-up box choose the export format of your choice.
Results can be sorted by relevance or date. Click on date to sort by date.
Viewing the document online
Click on the document title to view the full text of the article online. Links to the documents authors are displayed below the title. Click on an author's name to view details about the author and other articles by the author. Click on Show more to see the institutions associated with each author, indicated by a letter beside each author's name.
There are options to Add to Mendeley, Share and Cite.
An Outline of the document contents is displayed to the left hand side of the screen. Click on any of the content headings to jump to that segment in the article.
Recommended articles are displayed on the right hand side of the screen. Click on the title of the document to view online or download the PDF. Article metrics, which are citation metrics which measure the usage and impact of individual scholarly articles are also available.
Refine Results
To the left hand side of the screen there are options to refine results by Subscribed journals, Years, Article type, Publication title, Subject areas, Access type. Select the checkbox beside the options of your choice to activate the filter. To clear filters scroll to the end of the refine options and click on Clear all filters.
Digital Theatre + is a video streaming service. It provides access to plays and productions from over 50 world class theatre companies. Watch videos to learn about theatre practice from experts working in the industry. View videos covering theory and criticism. Included in the theory and criticism section is a guide to starting your studies.
Searchable within Publications in MultiSearch.
Use the simple search box at the top of the screen to search for a keyword e.g. acting, or for the title of a production e.g. Antigone.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to where there are options to limit browsing by performance form, genre, resource type, A-Z and curriculum.
Browse by Plays & Productions, Practice & Practitioners and Theory & Criticism using the tabs at the top of the screen.
Sage Premiere 2021 Journal Collection provides access to journals in Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Materials Sciences & Engineering and Social Sciences & Humanities with full text content going back to 1999.
Searchable via MultiSearch.
Basic Search
Enter your keyword in the search box e.g. climate change and click on the spyglass to begin searching. On the Search results page you will see your results list. To the left of the results list are filter options article type, publication date and subject. Select a filter to narrow your results. Go to the full text of a result by clicking on the title, PDF/EPUB icon or Open URL link.
From the article homepage you can download the PDF/EPUB, cite the article, see share options, see information rights and permissions and view metrics and citations and tables and figures for the article. To the right of the article full text you will see Related Content with links to similar articles. To view information about the journal the article is published in click on Journal Homepage.
Advanced Search
Click on the Advanced Search link below the basic search box. Enter search terms in the search box to begin. Click on the + beside the search box to add additional boxes. Use the dropdown arrow at All Content to choose what a field to search in. Choose your date range and access type and click on Search.
Browse Publications
Click on the down arrow at Browse by discipline to begin browsing. Click on the down arrow at Select a discipline to choose from a list of disciplines and then click on the down arrow by Select a subject to choose a subject within that discipline, then click on Browse Journals. On the results page click on a journal title to go to the homepage of that title. On the journal homepage there is a brief description of the journal. Articles can be viewed under a number of tabs; Most recent, Most read, Most cited and Trending. Click on links under Browse journal to view Current Issue, OnlineFirst, All Issues. Further information about the journal such as Aims & scope, Editorial board, Journal indexing and metrics are located under Journal information.
Personal Account Features
Click on the head and shoulders icon at the top right of the page and click on Create profile to fill in the information required to register for a personal account. Your account allows you to set up new content email alerts, search alerts and view saved searches.
Irish Newspaper Archive provides access to a variety of local and national newspapers from all over the island of Ireland dating back as far as the 1700s in some cases. You will find local Dundalk paper, the Dundalk Democrat, dating back to 1849. It also contains one of Ireland's leading newspapers, the Irish Independent, dating back to 1905. This is a great resource for discovering historical and contemporary information, both national and local, on all aspects of Irish society and its people. You will find factual information, opinion pieces, images, ads, obituaries and more.
Not searchable via MultiSearch.
Once you are logged in watch the Search the Archive video for a demonstration of how to use the site. Some of the main features are described below.
Enter your keyword search in the search box at the top of the screen to begin your search. The results screen offers a number of options to broaden or narrow your search, such as:
Click on the arrow to the right hand side of the search box to use the Boolean operators NEAR, AND, OR, NOT to combine or exclude search terms and run your search again.
Refine your search using the filters on the left hand side of the screen; these include publication title, date, front page only and exact phrase.
In the results screen you can also sort by Relevance, Newest, Oldest.
View results by Articles, Pictures or Ads.
Add favourite articles to My Collection by clicking on Add to my collection beneath each result.
Click on any result to open the full article. You will see options to Add to my collection, Print, Email, Save, Share via Facebook and Twitter.
Click Browse and then on the left hand side of the screen click on the down arrow under Select Title to choose a newspaper to browse, you can also select a month and day of the week. Above the results displayed you can choose a particular year to view.