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Research Support

Outlines services for postrgaduate researchers

Want sources from another library?

Need a book or journal article that's not in the Library? You might be able to read most of it online using Google Books. Or you could make an online interlibrary loan request and we'll borrow it from another library for you.

If you find a book you think might be useful for other researchers and you think we should buy it then let us know! Email the details to

If you want to visit another academic library please contact your Library Subject Liaison to arrange a Letter of Introduction.

How to keep up with new developments

There various ways to keep up with new research in your field, they include using social media to follow relevant researchers and rss feeds for journals and blogs. 

Social media: 

Social media when used well can be a good way to keep up with the latest developments in your field. You can follow researchers social media accounts. 

RSS feeds, email lists:

You can use various tools in order to keep with research such as rss fields and e-mails in order to keep up with research that deal with your particular topic. This can include keeping up with journals using apps such as journals tocs which sets you up on an email list . You can also create RSS feeds of search results by following this guide for setting one up in Scopus.

You can also set up an RSS feed in Multisearch. 

Click here to find out about free RSS readers.