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DkIT storage guide: Evaluating web sources

Storage guide for DkIT. Includes reusable features and recommended style guide.

Who publishes on the web??

Anyone can publish on the internet so you need to be careful when you use information from the web for your academic work .

Remember that academic research is different from personal research.  Your academic work needs to be based on well documented accurate information writen by authors who are expert in their subject fields.

Always consider whether the information you find on the web is accurate, up-to-date and appropiate for your assignment.  

Credible websites?

Video from The Hartness Library  

Fake news?

How to spot fake news

Domain names and their meanings


The domain name can give you information about the site

The domain letters at the end of the URL identify the type of site:

.ie       Irish site

.ac      educational sites in UK, Canada and Australia

.gov       government sites

.com       business

.net       network access companies

.org       non-profit organizations

.int         international organization

.info       for unrestricted use

.name    for personal use

.edu       educational sites in United States

Use the site to find who owns a domain name.