Research is an iterative process, like a cycle or spiral:
In the moments after an event the Information Cycle begins. The cycle continues in the hours, days, weeks and months after the event. It includes information about the event over time across all media formats.
It is important to select the right keywords for your search.
If you're not getting the results you're expecting choose different keywords or use synonyms (e.g. teenager, adolescent, youth).
Research is like a conversation. There are always competing perspectives within any community of researchers. Be aware that you might be entering the beginning, middle or end of the conversation.
It is important also to be objective when researching your area of interest. Try not to let your own preferences get in the way of being objective and understanding all sides of the argument.
It is essential reference any material you use in your assignment or project. Not only does this prevent you from plagiarising, but it also shows your research skills.
Our guide to Academic Integrity explains what plagiarism is and why you need to avoid it.
DkIT uses the Harvard style of referencing. The full guide is available as a PDF online. We also have a quick online guide to help you get started.